
2024-05-16 15:32:26 军事

I am not a fan of English movies. To be honest, I find most of them to be overrated and lacking in substance. The constant bombardment of Hollywood blockbusters and their formulaic plots and shallow characters leave me feeling empty and unfulfilled.
English movies often rely heavily on flashy special effects and big-name actors to draw in audiences, neglecting the importance of a well-crafted story and meaningful dialogue. It seems that the priority for many English filmmakers is to entertain rather than to provoke thought and challenge the viewer's perspective.
Furthermore, the constant remakes and adaptations of already successful movies and books feel like a lack of creativity and originality in the English film industry. It seems like filmmakers are more interested in cashing in on a guaranteed audience rather than taking risks and pushing boundaries.
The prevalence of violence, sexism, and stereotyping in English movies is also a major turnoff for me. It is disheartening to see how many English movies perpetuate harmful stereotypes and reinforce toxic masculinity. The objectification of women and the glorification of violence only serve to perpetuate a negative and destructive cycle in society.
I also find the lack of diversity in English movies to be disappointing. It is rare to see a wide range of perspectives and experiences represented on screen, with many movies featuring predominantly white, heterosexual, and male protagonists. This lack of representation not only limits the stories that are being told but also reinforces harmful stereotypes and biases.
Overall, English movies leave me feeling uninspired and disillusioned. I would much rather spend my time watching films from other countries that offer a different perspective and challenge my worldview. While I understand that English movies have a global appeal and are enjoyed by many, they simply do not resonate with me. I would rather support independent filmmakers who are willing to take risks and tell stories that matter, rather than conforming to the same tired formula.
